Autumn in Ouachita National Forest

Road Trip: Ouachita National Forest

Archeological excavation... Or Ewok villiage....you decide... #aas2014 Summer Dig near Oden, AR

Ouachita National Forest

Ouachita National Forest

Post Office 71961 (Oden, Arkansas)

Out and around

What am I doing on my birthday? What I do every year...I'm digging. this year I'm at the Arkansas Archeological Society Summer Training Program near Oden, AR in the Ouachita Mountains.

Today in Ceramic Seminar we finish talking about whole vessels, rims and material science...tomorrow: historic ceramics!

Yummy cheeseburger at the "Yellow Store" in a Pencil Bluff, AR...

Gotta try this right? the "Tellow Store" in Pencil Bluff, AR...

A bit of my past lives catching up with me as I teach the #aas2014 Ceramic Seminar #lmv #pf&g #battleshipcurves

Wonderful day... In the 80s, nice breeze...this CAN'T actually be the Arkansas Archeological Society Dig...it's not 100 degrees! #aas2014

I had fun in the second day of the Ceramics Seminar at the #aas2014 Summer dig...talking all about temper & decoration...

Hard hat decoration contest at the #aas2014 Summer Dig...

Mayan theme hard hat at the #aas2014 Summer Dig hard hat decoration contest...

Hard hat decoration contest at the #aas2014 Summer Dig...

I may be in the field...but I'm still going to have my cocktail hour #aas2014

It's way cool to be teaching with part of the LMV type collection on loan from the Peabody Museum...some if these sherd are the one 'a illustrated in Phillips 1970! #aas2014 #ceramicseminar

Ceramic Seminar #aas2014 : getting ready for tomorrow morning's lecture on paste, temper, technology & decoration...

Ceramic Seminar Day 1:learning about how typologies are constructed by sorting buttons into "types" #aas2014

United Methodist Church (Norman, Arkansas)

Old School (Norman, Arkansas)

Public Library and Square (Norman, Arkansas)

Public Library (Norman, Arkansas)

Post Office 71960 (Norman, Arkansas)