Merry Christmas from Lionel682

Colorado Red

La Plata Mountains from South of Durango, Colorado

Aerial view from plane

Comfort Inn


D&RGW "San Juan" (View 2)

Durango Express

locomotives 482 & 480

Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad, Engine 481 (© 2012 ersIII)

K-37 #498 stored in Durango

locomotive 482

On Our Way

manufacturer's plate

Through the Tubes

Ferringway #8

workman polishing the bell

Western U.S. Vacation 2012

from Lake Powell to Glenwood Springs 014

Room with a view


Fall Colors in Colorado

Bayfield Barn

3163-1 Watched By A Dinosaur

Steaming Pile of Cow...

Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

Bayfield Barn

Shooting the Durango, CO Sunset

~heavenly season of reflection on Father & Mother~

Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

Durango Silverton RR

Durango, Colorado

Sheep on a country road

Durango-Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

River Crossing

Durango & Silverton Railroad

Durango and Silverton Mikado 2-8-2 #497

Pine River Valley

Incredible ride with @brumleyandwells. Starting from 6700ft was killer. But you can't the view. #durango

Bakers Bridge

6TH & Main, Durango, CO