Bumble Bee on Flower

Battered Buckeye

Wary Hummer

Meherrin River

A quiet Meherrin River

Posted Red Reflector

This is our porcupine at Bear Path Acres.

Bonzai loves to sit in his water bowl!!!

Me scratching Santasia's head!!!

Me filling the bathtub for Santasia

Bonsai enjoying some petting from me.

Very cool moth at Bear Path Acres last Saturday.

Bumble Bee on flower

Dandelion Seeds

Bumble Bee on a Flower

Santasia enjoying her bath yesterday at Bear Path Acres. She is my second favorite animal I work with!!!

Egg capsules created by the weird bug in previous picture.

Weird bug on tree. Think it was some kind of ant.

Noah laying on his back in the sun!!!

Bonzai yawning after a very big meal!!!

Bonzai is my favorite animal at the zoo it volunteer at every Friday and Saturday.

Dandelion (B&W)

This is Noah. I work with him every Saturday.

Paper Wasp

Bumble Bee (B&W)