Storage Building 6008 - Fort Rucker

Five Hueys - Fort Rucker

UH-1 Huey line-up - Fort Rucker

ACL 248




Ground Water reaching for Sky Water

Cotton field back home

De Havilland DHC U-1A Otter 57-6135 US Army

Instaxwide 300 pictures

Daleville Tower

Coming Soon! =93.5

Railroad Crossing


Fujifilm Instaxwide Pictures

Municipal Water Tower Pinckard AL

Top-Soldiers zero and then qualify with the M16 rifle during the US Army Aviation Center of Excellence competition to determine the 2017 USAACE Non-commissioned Officer, Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Platoon Sergeant and Soldier of the Year May 3. B

Flight School Graduation

Flight School Graduation

Flight School Graduation

Bellwood AL 36313

Wings and a Propeller

Carr family farm. Enterprise, Al

Carr family farm Enterprise, AL

Water Tank Daleville AL

Daleville AL 36322

Jefferson Island Salt Ghost Sign Pinckard AL

Pinckard Baptist Pinckard AL

Pinckard AL 36371