Tabernacle at Joyner's Campground

Cabin View, Joyner's Campground

2013-09-12; West TN Solar Farm. Indiana has windmills, Tennessee has solar panels, Haywood County TN #westtnsolarfarm #solarfarm #solar #farm #solarenergy #energy #sunenergy #sun #haywoodcounty #haywood #county #i40 #roadsideattraction #roadside #attracti

Cutliff seeded pasture


Bozo's Hot Pit Bar-B-Q Restaurant - Mason, TN

Christmas Eve music

Gardens at the Woods

Happy Father's Day #theleeboys #nashville

Swamp dogs cb shop #roadtoadphoto #cbshop #antiques

No filter #roadtoadphoto #barn #Tennessee

Trinity in the Fields

Love this sign #gulf #roadtoadphoto #photography

Feelin like I'm in Mayberry USA #roadtoadphoto #photography #likes4likes

Look who in tennesse #roadtoadphoto #roadtoad #tennesse #cowboys #pilot

Break time should just be called slow me down and hold me back time #breaktime #falcontransport #truckin #tennesse #bigrignation #ios #instagram #roadtoad

Can't seem to shake this storm went through it yesterday and again today #jpt #breaktime #roadtoad #tennesse #texas

Too so long to get here yesterday 3 jams on 75 a 20 mile jam on 71 and a 2 mile jam on 40 should have made it past Memphis but now I am Sittin around waiting to leave in Braden Tennessee #bored #breaktime #falcontransport

Birdhouse bear


Little LuLu

Cutliffs on seeded pastureland

Skype from the road