Night view of Cusco, Peru

Plaza de Armas - Cuzco

View towards the streets of San Blas - Cuzco in 1964

Cusco Tilt Shift Experiment

Panoramic view of Plaza de Armas with Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesus and Cathedral - Cusco Peru

Mirando a Cuzco

Panoramic view of Plaza de Armas and Cusco Cathedral - Cusco Peru

A Llama in Front of the Ruin of Sacsayhuaman (Saqsaywaman), Cusco, Peru

Aerial view of Plaza de Armas with Iglesia de la Compañía de Jesús - Cusco Peru

In the center of Cusco / В центре Куско

The sky over Cusco / Небо над Куско

Cuzco's Doorstep

Sky over Cusco / Небо над Куско

Cusco Night View - Cuzco, Perú

A Boy Doing Cartwheel in the Street of Cuzco, Peru

Ruin of Sacsayhuaman (Saqsaywaman), Cusco, Peru

Cusco 50% Panora

Ruin of Sacsayhuaman (Saqsaywaman), Cusco, Peru

Panoramic view cuzco

Cuzco sunset

Convento La Merced, Cuzco, Peru

Atardeciendo en el Sahuasiray 5818 mts.

Land of the Mountains

High and Dry Peruvian Landscape


Highland Landscape Beyond

Alpagas of Cuzco

On the Fence

Valley of Cusco / Долина Куско

1/5...Fortress of Sacsayhuaman ..Unesco Peru

Around and around

The Rugged Land

In the vicinity of Cusco / В окрестностях Куско

Cuzco landscape

The walls of Sacsayhuaman / Стены Саксаюамана

Tampumachay (Inca Baths - 3,700m.), Cusco, Peru.

Ichhunayuq, from Taray


Cerros de Cusco

Con tu cruz

De la luna a los Apus

Sacsayhuamán, Cusco, Peru.