Cafe in Cusco, Peru

Caminata por Cusco.

Caminante / Walker

Inca & Spanish Contrasting Stone Masonary at Qurikancha (or in Spanish Coricancha) - Convent of Santo Domingo, Cusco, San Sebastian District, Cusco Province, Peru

Peru, Cusco, people in motion at the colonial city gate

The artist

Peru, Cusco, Quechua women

Automotor de PeruRail en Cuzco

Mujer Cusqueña

Cusco: Sacsayhuamán

Incan walls, Cuzco

Temple of the Sun

Calle Loreto

Artesanías de alpaca

The streets of Cuzco

The streets of Cuzco

Peru - Cusco - 05 10 2016

A Side Street off Plaza De Armas, San Sebastian District, Cusco, Cusco Province, Peru

Saying Goodbye

Catedral del Cusco
