'The Wall'

Cuzco Peru - 09 Mar 2013-21/55

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Cusco: Plaza de Armas

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Peru, Cusco, people at San Pedro square #

Cusco (Cuzco), Peru

Cuzco's Doorstep

The sky over Cusco / Небо над Куско

Mirando a Cuzco

In the vicinity of Cusco / В окрестностях Куско

View towards the streets of San Blas - Cuzco in 1964

Panoramic view cuzco

Valley of Cusco / Долина Куско

Peru Cusco La Compania church The cathedral, Plaza de Armas.

Cusco Tilt Shift Experiment

view of Cuzco

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View on San Blas square

In the center of Cusco / В центре Куско

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Con tu cruz

Farming at 12,000 feet. Chinchero, Peru.

High and Dry Peruvian Landscape

Land of the Mountains

Valle Sagrado

Cactus of The Highlands

15a Peru Sacred Valley 02


Panoramia - Sacsahuyman in 2007

Flying over Sacsayhuaman- Cuzco

Peru with Kuoda Travel

"Cargador", (porter?) in Cuzco - 1984

Andes through the window

Paisagem em Cuzco, cidade peruana onde iniciei minha viagem a Machu Picchu. Contraste maravilhoso de cores. Chá de coca salva nessa altitude. #viagem #viajenaviagem #viajar #natgeo #natgeotravel #igers #igesrj #viajarfazbem #viajartudodebom #lonelyplane


Peru Casco Historico de Cusco