Sigtuna street view

Highway Light Streaks (Blue Hour HDR) (E18)

Blue Hour Marina

Arlanda Airport...."Welcome home!"

autumn walk / őszi séta

Highway Light Streaks (E18)

Smile of a Nymph

Ericsson Kista

Yoga Portrait 'Frozen Blue' - Explored Nov. 3, 2014, #23

Mystical Fire Fans

A Sheer Gaze

Through the Fog - 45/52

Balance - 48/52

#1121 - The noise give me a headache

Playing With Fire

Interesting view - Arland Express Train Station at Stockholm Sweden

On the edge

Ericsson Kista

View at Goland

Det som göms i snö kommer fram i tö

Channel of light




Vallentuna Kyrka / Church

Lake Vallentunasjön (Gustavs udde) Take II

Sunset in the fields

Backglidning Granholmstoppen

Efter löpturen

Backglidning Granholmstoppen

A city rises

Världen fattar fel.

Summer is gone

Lillsjöskogen, Upplands-Bro, Sweden HDR




2013-10-11 09.33.18

Backglidning Granholmstoppen

A Stable Evening

Sea outside Ulriksdals Slott in Fall