Sigtuna street view

autumn walk / őszi séta

Moody Sigtuna Evening

#1121 - The noise give me a headache

Balance - 48/52

Interesting view - Arland Express Train Station at Stockholm Sweden

Behind the Scene - 43/52

Vallentuna kyrka

Vallentuna kyrka

Sigtuna motorcycle meeting

Vallentuna kyrka

Vallentuna kyrka

Vallentuna kyrka

Reconstruction of St. Olof Church Ruin, Sigtuna, Uppland, Sweden

Vallentuna kyrka

Vallentuna kyrka

Om nom nom ...

Vallentuna kyrka

Pardon me Sir! Could you tell me if something has stuck between my teeth?

Bye, bye Sweden. Liked the colours in this view from the jet bridge to the plane.

Through the Fog - 45/52

Vallentuna Kyrka / Church




Världen fattar fel.

Summer is gone

Silk White Country Slot - 38/52

Tranbygge, Kungsängen, Upplands-Bro, Uppland, Sverige/Sweden

Antwerpen + Bryssel 2018

Mot kärnisen

December 2017

Port of Sigtuna


13th fairway #golflife #Kyssinge

Stentorp, Upplands-Bro

Estocolmo desde el aire (2)

Entrance to Triangle Park I

Autumn alley

swedish sunset3

Lake Mälaren Sunrise