Still Winter

Late Winter in Highland County

CANADA WARBLER MALE Cardellina canadensis in a Mountain Laurel on a Hillside above a Beaver Meadow in Highland County, Virginia. June 3, 2011. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

CANADA WARBLER MALE Cardellina canadensis Perched in a Mountain Laurel Thicket in Highland County, Virginia. June 3, 2011. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

ALDER FLYCATCHER Empidonax alnorum in Vegetation along a Stream in a Beaver Meadow in the Mountains of Highland County, Virginia. June 3, 2011. Photo by Peter Wendelken.

Hightown & Blue Grass Valley

Winter landscape - Hightown & valley (compared to fall, below)

Highland Barn

Highland Maple Festival - Modern Tree Tap

Winter landscape - farmstead & valley

View from Monterey Mountain 2

Red Barn In Green Bank

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Highland County (VA) Courthouse

Red Barn in the Fall

Pasture in the Fall

Entering Monterey, VA

Rainbow Trout

Around the Bend

Shades of Winter - Virginia's Blue Grass Valley

Highland County

Fall in the Blue Grass Valley

The 100-meter Antenna

Green Bank Observatory

The Big Dish

Early fall color - at possible wind farm site?

There's the beef! - Blue Grass Valley

GBT from the parking lot

Near the NRAO

GBT from the parking lot

NRAO grounds from GBT

NRAO grounds from GBT (2 85' antennas)

20120610 15-45-08

Green Bank Telescope

2014.03.09.111 Hightown

National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, WV