"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD." -Psalm 33:5

Autumn HDR... Salem Trail, North Carolina

I love the medium of photography, for with its unique realism it gives me the power to go beyond conventional ways of seeing and understanding and say, "This is real, too." -Author: Wynn Bullock

Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.

Wait Chapel sunset

Downtown Winston Salem sunset skyline

1962 Oldsmobile at the Heavy Rebel Weekender

Late 30's Chevy at the Heavy Rebel Weekender

Covered Bridge to Old Salem

On The Verge, Of Something, Of Course

Flamed Rat at the Heavy Rebel Weekender

Rat Truck at the Heavy Rebel Weekender

#caminobakery #favorite #snow #winstonsalem one of my favorite coffee joints in town for the specific reason of a fantastic view

Just a Beautiful Tree

Who's That Girl

Old Salem Squirrel

"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD." -Psalm 33:5

View of Saura Town Mtn Day 6 of #30daysofbiking #surly

North American F-86F Sabre

The Periodic Table, #58 on Explore 11/14/07

Well they weren't perfect to me, their snarled up noses and her constant rejection. You were everything I was not... So of course from your view its different angles and shadows. Memories of the same events somewhat eschew, an underlying taste of blood, s

#wfmearth #30daysofbiking #surly

In the distance Saura Town Mtn ... #clouds #bikewsnc

View of Saura Town Mountain while out on a bike ride ...#bikeride #manualforspeed

field of yellow

pink forest

View of valley from Tilden park

Ready for fall...

You know you are doing something right when you return to the same spot and get a different shot ... #bikeride #biketherapy #cycletherapy #surly #surlybikes #surlystraggler #brookssaddle #enjoyeverymile #enjoyeveryride #ridewithaview

#bikerace #bikeride #wsnc #clouds #rain

The marsh @Reynolda Gardens

Bike racing @ the fair grounds #bikewsnc #bikeforsythconc #bikeride

Evening ride on the bike (8-20-12) ... #sunset #bikeride

Out for day 5 #surly #30daysofbiking

Reynolda Gardens

Along my route ... #clouds

Out for a bike ride ... #sunshine #surly #bike

#bikeride #bikewsnc #nofilter

Out for a bike ride ... #bikeride #bikewsnc