Red Neighbor

Movie Night

Swimming Pool (1937) at Reynolda 1

Swimming Pool (1937) at Reynolda 4 (Tree and Window a)

Old Salem Squirrel

"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD." -Psalm 33:5

North American F-86F Sabre

Swimming Pool (1937) at Reynolda 10

Covered Bridge to Old Salem

Rat Chevy Truck at the Heavy Rebel Weekender

field of yellow

Swimming Pool (1937) at Reynolda 2 (Birdcage)

Swimming Pool (1937) at Reynolda 5 (Tree and Window b)

Wait Chapel sunset

Downtown Winston Salem - Winston Tower and Wachovia Center

This was once a tobacco town...

Relaxing at the lake after a ride

"He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the steadfast love of the LORD." -Psalm 33:5

""Which of them will love him more?" -Luke 7:42

I love the medium of photography, for with its unique realism it gives me the power to go beyond conventional ways of seeing and understanding and say, "This is real, too." -Author: Wynn Bullock

Autumn HDR... Salem Trail, North Carolina


Old Salem water pump

a big dam hole

Salem Cemetery

Downtown Winston sunset

ivy angel

Sun thru the leaves

Rustic Summer House, c. 1920

B is for Beautiful Beginning

Coffee Beans and Flowers

Nature Below

Wake Forest University

Rustic Shelter

pink forest

Wake Forest University

Winston Salem skyline over Interstate 40

Wake Forest University

Downtown Winston Salem Skyline

Wake Forest University