Autumn Whispers To The Falling Leaves

Flying The Friendly Skies

Evil Conspiring Pelican

Black Skimmer

Bay Bluffs Park, 3400 Scenic Hwy, Pensacola, Florida, USA

The Lonely Docks

90's Consist On the Beach

Kelly Clarkson

Seventeen [Explored]

ROCK (5/365) [Explored]

View from a customers garage!! It looks like #corona time to me!! #gulfbreeze #florida #workgrind

Oaks View

View from my office

Another Perfect Day

The view from Bagelheads

Gila & The Painter

Ova 2

Dinner with a view

“It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?"” ~ Winnie the Pooh

Gas Cloud

Blue Angels homecoming show, as viewed from my office

Padgett Ct

The fort

Entering Padgett Ct

Gadsden alleys

East Hill

Dock At Allen Williams Seafood

Front Row Seat

Escambia Bay - Pensacola, Florida

Pensacola Florida_0001

A couple shots from Pensacola Bayou at Sunset. After the storm the water level is significantly higher than normal, but is slowly getting back to normal.

Pensacola, FL

Bayou Texar

Sunrise UFO

The daze ahead (final)

The first beach day of 2015

The call (edit 3)

End of Cora

A point to tread

Evening dig

FLORIDA - 2.28 - 3.4.13 (set) 8

Advancing intelligence