Day 2

Windows 67

Ancient Roman City of Gadara - Jordan..

Sunrise at Bathes of Gadara City, Umm Qais - Jordan.

Desert Fortress

P.E.C. [i.e., Palestine Electric Corporation] (Reutenberg's) Jordan Power Plant showing entire system, Yarmuk Valley in distance

Hedjaz Railway - Hamat Gader and the Yarmuk Gorge, as seen from the Golan Heights in 2005

P.E.C. [i.e., Palestine Electric Corporation] (Reutenberg's) Jordan Power Plant showing entire system, Yarmuk Valley in distance

Gadara city at Umm Qais - Jordan.

1040884. Ein Gev, Zoe birthday, Apr-2011

Hedjaz Railway - Samach train station in 1942 - 2-8-0 steam locomotive Nr. 163 on the turntable (Borsig 9012 / 1914)

Hedjaz Railway - Samach train station

View from the road to Sosita

1040851. Ein Gev, Zoe birthday, Apr-2011

Gadara city at Umm Qais - Jordan.

1040854. Ein Gev, Zoe birthday, Apr-2011

Semakh. An Arab town on the south end of the sea of Galilee [Samakh]

View of the Sea of Galilee, the Golan Heights, and the Yarmouk River Valley

Outflowing of the R. Jordan from Sea of Galilee showing Kinnereth & Dagania

Road to Rome at Gadara city at Umm Qais - Jordan

Semakh looking west along south coast

Jordan River

Ein Gev Resort

Ein Gev Resort

Ein Gev Resort

Sunset in Kineret lake

butterfly effect

Shunah esh-Shemali North; Tell esh-Shuna ash-Shamalia South; Tell er-Rayy North

Tall Zira'a

Ein Gev Resort

Shunah esh-Shemali North; Tell esh-Shuna ash-Shamalia South; Tell er-Rayy North

Dreamy kineret

121 5D_80347-HDR cr

Tall Zira'a

Just a couple of hot desert babes pointing at the Dead Sea. Move along. #Israel #travel #outdoors #outside #landscape #hike #hiking #desert #nature #middleeast #overlook

Israel, Weihnachten 2017

Sea of Galilee

Tall Zira'a

Umm Qeis/ Gadara

Umm Qeis/ Gadara; Gadara Hippodrome