Memories of the spring

Sooty Copper (Lycaena tityrus)

Trees with a view

At Ease

view over the valley and water mill in Epen

View through the arch

Her Majesty

restaurant with a view

Abendspaziergang durch die Soers 19

Archeological Showcase in Aachen

View From A Hill

Favorite pastime: sitting on a park bench, leaning my head back and looking up at the sky

A view between the trees

es gibt nicht viel zu sehn

Aachen Cathedral

und das mitten in der Stadt

a bit of peace

Unusual views ...

Aachen Panorama

ein Sommerabend am Schneeberg

I never get bored there and summer could go on for a while ... again at the Schlangenberg, a landscape shaped by calamine.

Power of rhapsody

_fence mood

over the fields

Last Light On The Corn And Flies

through the fields

Border River

Dutch Delight

Limburger Patchwork

Signs of Spring in the hills

Trees and flowers and fields and ....

Golvende heuvels in ondergaande zon.

Unpredictable light

The Bridge And Beond

Devine Places

186 455

Pastoral scenery near Nuth - Limburg

Airborn Bulls

Trees On The Horizon

Bomen met opvliegende spreeuwen.

What's Up?

Light On Your Path