Trees with a view

restaurant with a view

Aachen Cathedral

ein Sommerabend am Schneeberg

a bit of peace

die Rampe

View on Terschuren.

Abdij Sint Benedictusberg

Merry Christmas (130254951)

Evening light

a view of hope at the end of another day of battling the exponential numbers

have a break 3

Aachen, Theaterstraße, tranquil view towards the theatre before the imminent storm of the Rosenmontagszug

alte Weide am Weg durch die Wiesen der Soers

the beautifully rouged corpse

Sand sculpture ... (140635336)

family of mushrooms

lazy sunday afternoon

the Visitor

Aachen, Theaterstraße, tranquil view towards the theatre before the imminent storm of the Rosenmontagszug

reflected towers and water lilies

Power of rhapsody

Last Light On The Corn And Flies

Border River

Dutch Delight

Limburger Patchwork

Winter walk

Signs of Spring in the hills

Trees and flowers and fields and ....

Unpredictable light

Volmolen, Epen - Zuid Limburg

The invitation.

Thirsty crows

Sunset Reflections

The Narrow Path

Foggy Sunday

Landscape near Elkenrade - Zuid-Limburg

Threatening clouds

Shadow falling into the landscape

It is wonderful to walk in the South Limburg landscape

Forgotten Leaves

Regenbogen gesehen von Teveren kommend in Richtung Geilenkirchen, mit dem Handy gemacht