My Rail, My Place
Morning Light
Morning Train
Same As Always
Blue horizon
Old Boy
Teruteru-Bozu O-De-Mu-Ka-E
2012.01.31 Birds
On Her Way Home
One Fine Day
Old Ticket Office
Happy Train!
In Bloom
Slow Life
Which Way To The Sea?
Kimi The Stationmaster
Late Spring
Face In a Box
Old Red Rabbit
Old Ticket Office
Iioka fishing port
Explored : 2015.03.28 Snowdrop fields
Morning Waves In Choshi
Stones of Choshi
Pacific Sunrise
In A Landscape
Explored : 2014.10.17 利根川 夕景
2012.02.11 TONE River view from CHOSHI Bridge
2012.02.03 Sunset at the Pacific beach
Jurassic Memory
2011.11.01 Sunset
2010.02.07 Mt.FUJI
2012.02.03 Sunset : Pacific Ocean
2013.07.10 Rose clouds over Tone river
2013.12.25 Sunset beach
Explored : 2013.06.27 Sunset on River TONE
2011.11.16 Sunset
2013.12.29 sunset
Sunrise in Inubosaki