On Her Way Home

Morning Light

Morning Train

Same As Always

One Fine Day

Old Ticket Office

Happy Train!

In Bloom

Blue horizon

Old Boy

Slow Life

Which Way To The Sea?

Kimi The Stationmaster

Teruteru-Bozu O-De-Mu-Ka-E

Late Spring

Face In a Box

Old Red Rabbit

Old Ticket Office

Green Tunnel

Closed Door

Born in 1950

Iioka fishing port

2013.07.10 Rose clouds over Tone river

Explored : 2015.03.28 Snowdrop fields

2013.12.25 Sunset beach

Stones of Choshi

Explored : 2013.06.27 Sunset on River TONE

Pacific Sunrise

2011.11.16 Sunset

2013.12.29 sunset

Sunrise in Inubosaki

In A Landscape

2013.09.16 Tone river : Typhoon has gone

2014.12.07 Sunset ocean (4)

2014.12.07 Sunset ocean (3)

Explored : 2014.10.17 利根川 夕景

2014.11.04 Wild fields

2012.02.11 TONE River view from CHOSHI Bridge

2012.06.17 Rice field

2012.06.17 Rice field