Five Crosses - Hard Times, Hard Life

Mustang Cemetery (1862)

Broken Window and Vines

Mustang Cemetery

Day 67: Field

Gibbons Creek Aug 24th 2008 - Picnic area

Gibbons Creek Aug 24th 2008 - Boat Dock

Big Bend, big sky. #texascountry #oberphoto #goodtexasliving #westtexas #bigbendnationalpark #texasphotography #texas #texaslife #westtexas #bigbend

A Day at the Lake

C. F. REA 1910

The Liquor Store Inc #abandonedplaces #abandon #texasroadtrip #building #abandonbuilding #liquorstore #hipstamatic #roadsideamerica

#roadtrip #texasroadtrip #middleofnowhere #gasstation #abandonplaces

Fishing siblings, the fish aren't biting and neither are they for a change.

Lunch is almost ready. #openfirecooking

There is a brown blur and a white blur of our city girls trying to be cow dogs. #cowsareunimpressed

Long Past the Glory Days

It's Grimes County, not Crimes County!

Small Bass Caught in What Use To Be a Good Fishing Spot

Another Trouble Making Catfish

My First Big Cat at Gibbons Creek Reservoir

One of Four Good Sizes Drum Caught Today

The Last Catfish of the day.