View from Fremont Peak State Park

View from Fremont Peak State Park

Hanging Out

The Sun Emerges

Sierra Azul Garden View

Yoga Pose - Otter Style


Fremont Peak State Park

California Salad

Protective Mother

Heading Out

Sweet Dreams

Historic Landmark


Fruit Pickers Picking Strawberries, Salinas, California

Not Blending In

certainly not italy...

Natural Blonde (Explored #160)

Aerial view of the San Andreas Fault and Graniterock Quarry, San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties, California

Coast Starlight, Amtrak # 11 passing through the Elkhorn Slough Wetlands

Lark Sparrow (Chondestes grammacus)

Mission San Juan Bautista

Moss Landing State Beach

View from Fremont Peak

Breeding Tern

In the distance.

Fremont Peak

Old Boat in a Parking Lot

An Ally on the Pier at Moss Landing


At The Beach...

Moss Landinng Corner Store No.4

moss landing, ca

Moss Landing Cafe No.4

moss landing, ca

Sail Boats of Moss Landing Harbor

Say Ahhhh...

lettuce field 2, San Juan Bautista

Swirly curly algae

Salinas, California, USA

Rainbow. Salinas River State Beach. Moss Landing, CA.