A View of Former Exit 84 Business California 99 K Street

A View of U.P.R.R. Private Crossing at Tipton

A View of the Former off ramp to K Street

A View of the Cartmill Avenue Overpass

boeing b-17g flying fortress

boeing b-17g flying fortress

Beetle Rock view, Sequoia National Park.

Transit of Venus Take 1

Roof view at the Visalia library

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A View of East CA-198 and offramp to West CA 198 and onramp to North CA-99

Roof view, Visalia library

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Side view of 1501 West Kaweah Avenue

Valley Sunset

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Mini Family Reunion Cat Nap

Couch's Kingbird

kaweah delta construction

ValleyEx (297)

Frosty Morning

*День пятнадцатый. 4566 км. Пять часов по серпантину без навигатора, чтобы вернуться туда, откуда начали, но уже с пустым баком. А что, зато виды красивые

Tulare Corn! 30 August 2012

Sunset in Central California

The View


Sierra Nevada Morning

Edge of the Vineyard

#superfiltered swirlies and soft straight lines.

Sentinel has Yami's back...

Downtown Visalia

At the top of the Hump Trail in Sequoia National Park

General Sherman, largest living thing on Earth (taken from the upper trail). Photos don't do it justice. See that tiny insignificant human standing near its base? Yeah.

Plaza Park, Visalia

Plaza Park, Visalia

This lake was a park

This lake was a park

This lake was a park

Landforms on the Property