Unlabeled ambrotype c. 1859, possibly Louisa Melvina (Countryman) June (1829-1920) and Elias C. June (1826-1891) of Jasper, New York
Ackerman Farm
Amish birth center
green house north fork2-fdr
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Jasper, NY
Amish birth center
Amish birth center
My buddy at the birth center. I named it "Pal."
Please don't tie horses here.
prenatal visit
photo 2 copy
wigwam mus
Frack Flare site 1
African Chess Set