Black Creek, Middleburg FL

Treehouse Panorama

Stellarium Train Tracks Panorama

Fleming Island Plantation Golf Course


Early Morning on the the St. Johns River

The Antique

Musical Notes in bloom - another view

Church in the Wood

Side View

On the Shore

why are you standing at the door? Come on in!

Black Creek

Dream a little Dream of Bella

House Finch Trio (Haemorhous mexicanus)

John E Hayes Memorial Park

Vegetated Natural Buffer / Conservation Area

Pectoral Sandpiper (Calidris melanotos)

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)

A-7 Corsair Displayed at Camp Blanding

Camp Blanding

Camp Blanding

Early Morning Speed-Boating

Sunrise Over The St. John's

Sunset after storm

Camp Blanding

Camp Blanding

Treehouse Trail

Black Creek, Florida

Camp Blanding

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Black Creek

Dusk over Lake Kingsley

Night House HDR Panorama

Sunset after storm

The sun setting on pines

Sunset after storm

Route 17 Bridge