Gold for All.

Dragons and Angels - Драконы и ангелы

the Least & the Worm

Mirror Mirror on the Wall....

Sunset Singer

the Ballerina

Lesser Yellowlegs

Late Summer Lady

Oh those Owlet Eyes...

Spring Robin

A Common yellowthroat

Tree Swallow Elegance

Autumn in Blood Red ~

Willow Flycatcher

Maple Magic ~

Springtime Robin

Singing Yellowthroat

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Mister Ruby

Red Bug



Up in fog - В туман

Simplicity - Простота

At the mercy of winds

Sunset at lake Luxembourg

After The Storm 180º Panorama - 5.15.18

After The Storm - 5.15.18

Full Circle

Delaware River

Tacony-Palmyra Bridge

Keep The Peace.

Inside Schofield Ford Covered Bridge

You look tired my friend - Выглядишь усталым, друг мой

In continuation of lines - B продолжении линий

Portrait of a Whitetail Buck

fall reflections

TSP Sunset

Neshaminy Creek

The Dissolution

October Mist