Dissociation Station

Wasatch panorama

heavenly trick or treat...

a view from a bridge

All Trails East

Mouth of American Fork Canyon

Uprising (when trees ruled the Earth, part 2)


Above Silver Lake

a stone for a pillow, leaves for a blanket

bad hair day

as far as prisons go, it's not so bad

The return of Spring.

"That was the easy part...."

Quick Sunset ***EXPLORE***

it's only destiny if you follow it

Hail, Atlantis

Utah County overlook

the final destination

and for all I know, they lie there still

Traverse Mountain Quarries

Evening's last rays of sun on Lone Peak

Wasatch mountain summer

Fields For Furrows

Silver Glance

Pfeifferhorn reverie

A taste of winter

Utah Railway

Weight of The World

White Pine Shoreline

Toll To Challenge The Tower

Rivers & Roads

Three Deer

I Said to the Mountains Do Not Rise Above Me

Reds and Yellows and Jagged Peaks Around the Timpanogos Cave National Monument

Going downhill

Honu Bus

In the basin below White Baldy (3)

High in the Lone Peak Wilderness

I Said to the Mountains Do Not Rise Above Me (Black & White)