San Patricio, NM 2439a

San Patricio, NM 2440a

San Patricio, NM 2441a

San Patricio, NM 2442a

Hondo sculputure. a closer view

Buzzard over Billy the Kid Trail

Arizona cottontop Digitaria californica_0062

Billy the Kid Trail starts here

Motor home

Winnebago and wheelchair

Forgive in hondo New Mexico

Outside of Roswell

Antique Cash Register (FC)

Antique Cash Register (FC)

Day 22: Big Bend to Petrified Forest

Arizona cottontop Digitaria californica_0063

Common Sootywing Pholisora catullus_0035

Buffalobur Nightshade Solanum rostratum_0029

Greenleaf Five Eyes Chamaesaracha coronopus_0029

Greenleaf Five Eyes Chamaesaracha coronopus_0027

Blue Darkling Beetle Eusattus reticulatus_0053

Blue Darkling Beetle Eusattus reticulatus_0052

Ghost hunters