The Creek in Autumn

Bokeh Tree

VO Ornament (Side View)

A Path of White

VO Ornament (Front View)

Don't Trip

Tunnel Silhouettes

Robot Turnstile

Buried Cable

Shift Over

All Vendors

Zero Tolerance

My favorite from today

It's Just A Freight Train Coming Your Way

Oak Park Tent City

Push For Service

Peeping Through the Icy Branches

Factory Parking

North Dock

West Leith

Side View of 2014 Tree

Dam Dreams

On a day like today

Curvy Creek

Clear MP 4.0

Branches Across the Water

Late Summer Sunset

Late Summer Sunset

Late Summer Sunset

Late Summer Sunset

Michigan's Tallest Structure

Sunset in December

Late September sunset

Late September sunset

Late Summer Sunset

Crossing the Flooded Bridge

Leaves of Gold

Railfan Weekend

Snowdrops 4K Wallpaper

80512-108, Covenant Hills Lake