Bokeh Tree

Cherry Blow Pop

Lowered Expectations

Had To Stop To Take Some Pictures

Michigan Autumn Reservoir - Explore

Lapeer Industrial

Red Runner

The Sky's The Limit

Dreamboat (Explored 5/26/2012)

Century Riviera

You Talkin' To Me?

Say That To My Face

Looking Back

At The Laboratory

Room With A View

Delphi Dusk

Disappearing Act

Buy What You Build

Nine Twenty-Eight

928 S4


Dam Dreams

Railfan Weekend

Into The Wild

The Creek in Autumn

Awesome Winter Sky

Curvy Creek

Dandelions and Violets

Twists and Turns

Reflecting on the Flood

Nice Place to Spend a Floody Day

Branches Across the Water

Skipping Down the Trail

Sunset in December

Walking Along the Trail

Back on Dry Land

Southern Links Trailway

Crossing the Flooded Bridge

Twin Peaks

Checking out the Far Bank

Quiet Evening