Elegance at work...
Pied Kingfisher
A Symphony of Lights: The World’s Most Beautiful Skyline Part II.
Abyssinian Roller ( rear view )
Arabian Green Bee-eater (Merops orientalis cyanophrys)
Golden Pond
Senegal coast
African Blue Flycatcher (Elminia longicauda) -please view large.
White-backed Night Heron - Gorsachius leuconotus
Archive: Gambia River Estuary (Archive: NASA, International Space Station, 05/16/07)
Image from page 20 of "Nouvelles illustrations de zoologie : contenant cinquante planches enlumineés d'oiseaux curieux, et qui non etés jamais descrits, et quelques de quadrupedes, de reptiles et d'insectes, avec de courtes descriptions systematiques" (17
Pin-tailed Whydah
Window Seat
"Well....Mum Thinks I'm Lovely"
Xenz makes a start on his #Gambia river #painting in #Kubuneh #Africa #wallkandy #streetart #art #graffiti #fb #f #t @zu3x #xenz
A few Roller - Blue-bellied Roller(Coracias cyanogaster) Chris - Tujering - The Gambia
Vakavaa puhetta
Melon Lady
Day 23.1 Green Bee Eater
Nuestra última puesta de sol (1 hora antes de ir al aeropuerto)
Playa frente al Sailor
Striated heron
The beach on the Atlantic coast between Bakau and Kotu, the Gambia
Orilla del rio Gambia
kunta kinte island
Bautismo cristiano en Paradise Beach
Al lado del camino *
Gambia river creeks
Curioso restaurante
Landscape at the Atlantic coast, Gambia
Gambia River
Rocky Sunset
Atardecer desde el barco
Circulos de piedra en Wassu
Juegos de playa
Burhinus senegalensis, Senegal Thick-knee, Senegalese Griel
Dancing Queen
Golden Beach
A Pair of Village Weavers