What a view..

Two Wearied Workers

One Hundred Thousand

2013 0626 Windmill Gardens

Double Chevy Reflection

Timing is Everything

layers of clouds and color...

Washington State Fair

Mt Rainier and a Lenticular Cloud

Airstream Custom

Washington State Fair

Washington State Fair

Washington State Fair

Peaceful Moonlit Snowy Meadow //

Washington State Fair

PPL00247 - Kalles Junior High School

The Majestic!

Look There We Are We Are We Are

View from parking lot at work.

Backyard Feature

Morning Star

grand and glorious!

Mt Rainier, in all its glory!

Mt. Rainier

layers at twilight...

Mount Rainier, Washington's finest!

Aspenglow on Rainier

fresh snowpack!

the darkening shadows at twilight...

golden treasure!

Mt. Rainier from the West

Mount Rainier Sunrise

#mtrainer #washington #sunset


shades of night...

feed srore

Mt Rainier in mist

Mt Rainier at trails end

Mt Rainier from 8th ave south