yellow warbler male at Cardinal Marsh IA 653A2836

common yellowthroat male at Cardinal Marsh IA 653A6405

painted lady nectaring on red clover at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A6666

American tree sparrow at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A2087

cedar waxwings at Cardinal Marsh IA 653A8388

least skipper (Ancyloxypha numitor) on birdsfoot trefoil at Cardinal Marsh IA 653A8081

Canada goose at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A4814

Canada geese at Cardinal Marsh IA 653A7556

Canada geese at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A6806

eyelash cup (Scutellinia scutellata) at Vernon Springs IA 854A3565

orange-crowned warbler at Cardinal Marsh IA 653A6449

red-spotted purple at Vernon Springs IA 854A0692

northern cardinal female at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A5614

Abandon farm in Iowa "Explore" 28 January 2013

redosier dogwood berries at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A7640

mudflats at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A7719

Getting a good view of the JEM from out here on the street.

Harmony Enterprises Facility

sandhill cranes at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A9145

northern harrier juvenile at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A5161

eastern comma ventral view at Black Oak Hollow IA 854A4260

Canada wild rye seed heads at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A0187

summer landscape near Lime Springs IA 653A8163

fox sparrow at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A0417

thirteen-lined ground squirrel near Vernon Springs IA 854A9694

pussy willow catkins at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A4180

Coldwater Creek WMA IA 854A0945

cedar waxwing at Vernon Springs IA 653A1314

solitary sandpiper at Vernon Springs IA 653A2600

song sparrow at Vernon Springs IA 653A1276

white-tailed deer doe & Canada geese at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A5272

oat shocks near Lime Springs IA 854A2732

greater white-fronted geese at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A5759

Cardinal Marsh IA 854A5356

Dryad's saddle at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A5685

sandbar willow bat at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A5626

Swainson's thrush near Kendallville IA 854A1113

white-tailed deer buck near Cardinal Marsh IA 854A6358

oat shocks near Lime Springs IA 854A6776

Cardinal Marsh WMA IA 854A8212

American woodcock at Cardinal Marsh IA 854A8243

oat shocks near Lime Springs IA 854A6351