red-winged blackbird nesting habitat near Lime Springs IA 854A0286

Niagra Cave 64

trumpeter swans near Lime Springs IA 854A5389

altostratus clouds near Lime Springs IA 854A2794

bobolink habitat near Lime Springs IA 854A6768

northern parula male near Lime Springs IA 854A0111

northern harrier juvenile near Lime Springs IA 854A6587

Harmony Enterprises Facility

eastern comma ventral view at Black Oak Hollow IA 854A4260

wild strawberries near Lime Springs IA 854A9978

black swallowtail female near Lime Springs IA 854A8238

red-spotted purple near Kendallville IA 854A8323

northern harrier nesting habitat near Lime Springs IA 854A8053

northern harrier male near Lime Springs IA 854A8050

clay-colored sparrow near Lime Springs IA 854A1784

northern harrier juvenile near Lime Springs IA 854A6614

bald eagles near Lime Springs IA 854A7494

Clouds in Cresco

rough-legged hawk 1 near Lime Springs IA 854A2597

Niagara Cave

common redpolls near Lime Springs IA 854A3176

northern harrier juvenile near Lime Springs IA 854A6610

white spruce and red oak trees near Lime Springs IA 854A3595

Storm outside of Cresco


corn picking near Lime Springs IA 854A5492

winter cress near Lime Springs IA 854A1254

Niagra Cave 26

soybean field near Lime Springs IA 854A0901

white-throated sparrow at Kendallville Park IA 854A2633