Stromsburg Storm

Heritage Bank building, Stromsburg, NE

How the heck does one put these things on . . .

Ali is ready to watch the total solar eclipse, Stromsburg, NE

Earache and sleeplessness have gotten to Catherine!

Catherine watching the total solar eclipse, Strombsburg

Catherine watching total solar eclipse, Stromsburg, NE

Osceola, Nebraska


Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant Church Steeple (Stromsburg, Nebraska)

Swedish Evangelical Mission Covenant Church Steeple Detail (Stromsburg, Nebraska)

Stromsburg Sign (Polk County, Nebraska)

Polk Gazebo (Polk, Nebraska)

Masonic Temple and I.O.O.F. Hall (Polk, Nebraska)

Masonic Temple and I.O.O.F. Hall (Polk, Nebraska)

Polk Library (Polk, Nebraska)

Post Office 68654 (Polk, Nebraska)

The Village of Polk Marker (Polk, Nebraska)

Downtown Polk, Nebraska

Clouds over Nebraska


Polk County Historical Society- Osceola NE (1)