A Mantra

Ruby-crowned kinglet

Peony Leaves

Duck Season's Over (Best viewed full screen).

Hiatus interrupted

1940 Chevrolet

M31 - Andromeda Galaxy

mountain view

My good morning view... Drinking coffee and enjoying this .... So beautiful here!

The First Snow

Ever the nature lover...

Tickle My Neck 90mm

Hungry, Hungry, Hungry! Macro

Sky in My Eye (90 mm)

My view this morning. <3

#1 MHS0552

Lamp HDR

Steller's Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri)

Evergreen State Fair 2010

Peacefully Floating

Oregon Dark-eye Junco (Junco hyemalis)

Morning Stillness

2017-04-24 18.58.15

Passing through

Don't Fall Down

Snow covered landscape

All That Blue

Flooded Creek

Stand Alone

Predawn Tide

Walking For Clarity

2017-06-04 16.07.16

An hour late....

Rainbow over the Snoqualmie River

Fall Scenary @ Skykomish River, Otcober 2008

Cascading Veil

Snohomish Valley

Fall Scenary @ Sultan WA, Otcober 2008

Calypte anna ♂ (Anna's Hummingbird)