Sweeping above east shore

Depth of Life

A Mantra

Fade Away

Peony Leaves

The First Snow

St Jude Parish Redmond WA

The Snoqualmie River

The One Who Wanted To Get Away

it was sunny today

A Piece of You

Lamp HDR

To Be The One

Ruby-crowned kinglet

Another Day Comes To A Close

Duck Season's Over (Best viewed full screen).

You Can't Be Suspicious...

What's Around The Bend?

By The River

To Some...

the view from my bedroom.. ducks on their way to breakfast

So Close; So Far

All That Blue

Flooded Creek

Stand Alone

This #field needs a #tipi.

Day 288/365 - Field of Pumpkins

Lake 4of12

sammamish river trail

Cascading Veil

Things I'd Like To Show You (Someday)

(Another) Recurring Dream

mushroom cloud with rainbow

Straight and Narrow

Lake 2of12

On the Tolt