At the Break of Day

Sweeping above east shore

Forest Friend

The Snoqualmie River

Peony Leaves

A Piece of You

Sky in My Eye (90 mm)

To Be The One

Fade Away

A Mantra

Ruby-crowned kinglet

Surrounded By Stillness

Foggy Lake

Another Day Comes To A Close

The First Snow

Quirkz of Art Spiced

You Can't Be Suspicious...


What's Around The Bend?

Lake @ night

To Some...

Lake 2of12

In The Morning...

Blue Moon tonight

Gifts That Surround Me

The Town of Duvall, WA

Rainbow over the Snoqualmie River

Bridge over troubled waters

Lake 4of12

Point of View

(Another) Recurring Dream

A Second Chance...

So Close; So Far

Sunrise HDR

Signs of life