{^} Butterflies ARE Free - I. {^}

1995 10-18 0906.2 BN SD40-2-6382 E/B Fridley, MN

Dreamy View

Northtown Diesel Shop

Soo 6013 at Plymouth

Northtown Yard

^^^ Bird's Eye View ^^^

44th Avenue Swap And Go

1995 10-18 0906 BN SD40-2-6382 E/B Fridley, MN

A Rookery with a Railroad View

Elevation is where you find it!

An Up North View of the Mississippi River

Northtown Scene

Northtown Hump

"Hot" SD60 South

{Fox In Grass - II.}

~~~ Horned Grebe Hangout - II. ~~~

Single Barn at Crystal

Twin Lake View

The Other 'T'

KCS 4006 Veterans Unit

Beautiful Day

November Sunset

*** Urban Minnesota Winterscape ***


{} Fire & Light {}

Autumn Ripples

Founders Park

Multi-Color Sunset

#CoonRapids #Dam Regional Park

*** Fall Foliage Fiesta - I. ***

~~~ Rum River Winterscape ~~~ - II.

``` Midwest Sunset Moment ```

<> Sunfish Lake Serenity <>

(/) Flamboyant Autumn Foliage - IV. (\)

Sunset over Elm Creek

\\\ Winter River Driftwood - II. ///

Friday Night Light

Field of Dreams

>>> River Ice Confluence <<<

Dolly's over the Mississippi