^^^ Bird's Eye View ^^^


Smoke Show!

Hinckley Local

Lowry Sunset

View of the cloudy ocean. My beautiful perpetual sunset for hours. #latergram #pardonmewhileikissthesky

Classic SOO SD60s

Woodlouse Hunter (Dysdera crocata)

Roberts off 10

ENT doc says my eardrum is healing just fine, so enjoy the view (okay, last part is from me)

Get this party started

Brooklyn Park is beautiful.

North Side of the Camden Bridge (Wide Edition); Minneapolis, MN

GRE View

City Hall

33 Chrysler Imperial

Green Tree 1


North on the Hinckley Sub

outside view hatbox

Tornado Weather

City Park Bridge-HDR

Beautiful Day

North Woods

Bassett Creek Park

And the sun came! #latergram #pardonmewhileikissthesky #mysufjanstevenslookingrowmatecuriouslylookedon #seewhatididthere #fanwellbeforechicago #notahipster anyway

Pump Station Reflections

Storm Light in Medina

So it begins.

CP 8859 Camden

Lowry Ave. Bridge

Unsorted 123

Fall colors at Maple Grove Arboretum

CP 8805

Loving the fall colors on my bike commute!

Morning Oil

Is That A Lake Behind My Hotel?