SRN 1751 | EMD GP7 | Sabine River & Northern

KCS IMXSH 27, Mauriceville, TX

KCS GKCMX 22, Maruiceville, TX

"By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness, O God of our salvation, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas; the one who by his strength established the mountains, being girded with might; who stills the roaring of the seas,

KCS YBM10022, Mauriceville, TX

Vidor High School, Vidor, TX

Vidor High School, Vidor, TX

Vidor High School, Vidor, TX

Vidor High School, Vidor, TX

Vidor High School, Vidor, TX

Banana Spider

UP 2QDYIJJ 17, Connell, TX

I took the bridge less traveled,

The gator(s) were not ready for a close-up shot today.

UP 2QDYIJJ 17, Connell, TX


KCS MNSEW25, Mauriceville, TX

Sabine River & Northern SRN 1751 (GP7) Orange, Texas

Sabine River & Northern Orange, Texas

Sabine River & Northern

USA - Louisiana - Route 10 to New Orleans

USA - Louisiana - Route 10 to New Orleans

USA - Louisiana - Route 10 to New Orleans