KCS GKCMX 22, Maruiceville, TX

"By awesome deeds you answer us with righteousness, O God of our salvation, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas; the one who by his strength established the mountains, being girded with might; who stills the roaring of the seas,

KCS IMXSH 27, Mauriceville, TX

UP ONOAA 30, Echo, TX

UP MLIEW 31, Echo, TX

Orange, TX

Confederate Memorial of the Wind, M. L. King Jr. Dr., Orange, Texas a1507121023

Confederate Memorial of the Wind, M. L. King Jr. Dr., Orange, Texas a1507121027bw

Confederate Memorial of the Wind, M. L. King Jr. Dr., Orange, Texas a1507121028bw

Confederate Memorial of the Wind, M. L. King Jr. Dr., Orange, Texas a1507121032bw

Confederate Memorial of the Wind, M. L. King Jr. Dr., Orange, Texas a1507121036bw

Confederate Memorial of the Wind, M. L. King Jr. Dr., Orange, Texas a1507121049bw

Confederate Memorial of the Wind, M. L. King Jr. Dr., Orange, Texas a1507121052bw

Texas 105 Advance Sign with Context

Texas FM 105 Route Signs

Texas 105 Directional

Woodlark Street Exit

Texas 87 Exit

UP MLIHO 23, Echo, TX

from @tvlsquad_mo - @stephang996_tvl do the damn thing #docpheelgood_tvl #marlow_tvlsquad #tvlarmy #tvlnation #tvlsquad #tvldoublebarrelgiveaway #tvltakeover #eastcoastvapers #westcoastvapors #vapor #vaporgram #cloudchaser #vapenation #vapecommunity #va

UP MNSEW 17 and MLIEW 17, Echo, TX

857 miles to El Paso