Rheinfall Schaffhausen 1_web

Castle ghost

Rheinfall Blue Hour

Blumberg Railroad Extreme HDR

Over the Rheinfall

The view from Switzerland's castle Munot in Schaffhausen on the river Rhine was key in passed centuries to prepare for collecting toll fees and unloading boats before the impassable Rhinefall!

Hegau von oben

View on the Roman watch tower which existed even before Switzerland, the castle Munot and the vineyard was created!

View on the medieval city of Schaffhausen in Switzerland from Christmas shopping and about a week before the late arrival of winter for the new year!

Blumberg Rails Out of Boundzzz

view over Schaffhausen

Singen am Hohentwiel

The Rhine Falls, Switzerland

mighty water

Not so often seen view from a hill on the city of Schaffhausen, including train tracks, the highway, the river Rhine, the church and the castle Munot!

My most favorite spot in the city of Schaffhausen to take a quick break and to enjoy the view! Where is your favorite spot in your city to relax and to enjoy a nice view?

Rheinfall Background

Munot castle is undoubtably one of the best 360 view vantage points in Schaffhausen and the only entry costs are a few healthy stairs!

Rhine Falls

Train view taken yesterday at 100km/h reminding of Marianne Wiggins's that “...what thrills me about trains is not their size or their equipment but the fact that they are moving, that they embody a connection between unseen places.”

Auch wenn die Augen sich an die Dunkelheit gewöhnt haben, fängt die Kamera nicht die gleichen Details ein. - Even if the eyes have accustomed to the darkness, the camera couldn't catch the same details

Les chutes du Rhin (Rheinfall)

An einem Sonntagabend

Hohentwiel kl HDR

Abendstimmung im Hegau

sightseeing @ rhine falls

iN tHe wOodS

Rhine Falls, Schaffhausen

Im Buchenwald

Rhine Falls, Schaffhausen

Der Mägdeberg

Blick auf die Baar

S16 19676 @ Rheinfall

Winter im Hegau

Der Hohentwiel

Weißes Land

S33 20379 @ Rheinfall

Autumn in mid November

Tristesse im Hegau

Blumenfelder Wasserfall at night