The Truckee Graffiti Tunnels

Donner Summit Bridge

The Rainbow Bridge At Donner Pass

A plane, a train and automobiles

Another Cold Night is Upon Us

Donner Lake View

Donner Pass

Steller's Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri)

Donner Lake from Donner Pass

Where's the Lake?

Donner Lake

Grandeur Panorama

Donner Peak, California

Enjoying the view.

Truckee Sunrise

Sunset from the Sierras 120814-195812 C4Tc

Donner Lake from Donner Pass

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

California - Donner Pass

Near Donner Pass

Sea Gull on Donner Summit 1652

Lake Van Norden

Yuba River

Good Morning Donner

Middle Loch Leven Lake

I Hear the Train Coming

Calla Lily on snowy Razorback Ridge in Royal Gorge area-02 12-13-14

Donner Lake

Above the Fog, Below the Clouds

Devils Peak

South Yuba River Winter Scene

Donner Lake From The Top of the Pass

Chasing Fall Colors

2017-01-06 12.50.07

Lily at Bill&Floras Pt in Royal Gorge area-00 5-15-17

Donner Lake

Beaver in Van Norden lake-167 10-21-12

IMG_9870 2

"Hazy Shade of Winter"

Whistling Swans on Van Norden Lake-07 11-23-12