Polcirkeln, Arctic Circle with marking stones

Railway at Arctic Circle

2015-10-01 04:51 MESZ

2015-10-01 04:33 MESZ

2015-09-30 20:11 MESZ

#HerbieAndSilleOnTheRoad #Polarcircle ##5000km

YEAH! We got this far!! #5000km #Sweden #Polarcircle

Inlandsbanan - Arctic Circle

Inlandsbanan - Arctic Circle

Anton nilsson

#sup #surf #standuppaddle #polar #travel #sweden Stand up paddle north from the arctic circle, sweden ;-)

Polarkreis in Schweden

Restaurant am Polarkreis

Rentiere auf Achse

Inlandsbanan - Arctic Circle

Jonas östh

685 Maitum Station Inlandsbanan

Passing the Pole Circle

Information panel Arctic Circle.