2015-10-01 04:51 MESZ
2015-10-01 04:33 MESZ
2015-09-30 20:11 MESZ
#HerbieAndSilleOnTheRoad #Polarcircle ##5000km
YEAH! We got this far!! #5000km #Sweden #Polarcircle
Anton nilsson
#sup #surf #standuppaddle #polar #travel #sweden Stand up paddle north from the arctic circle, sweden ;-)
Polarkreis in Schweden
Restaurant am Polarkreis
Rentiere auf Achse
685 Maitum Station Inlandsbanan
Passing the Pole Circle
Information panel Arctic Circle.
White stones mark the Arctic Circle in Sweden (E45).
Crossing the Arctic Circle in Sweden (E45).
140 001 km
140 001 km
Winterwochenende in Lappland
Winterwochenende in Lappland
Jonas at the Arctic Circle
Welcome to the Arctic Circle