Drawn to the Light

Willamette Valley View.10.19.14

Leafless but still glowing 11 26 2012

Sunrise on the go

Home sweet home.

Focus on tips

Fall Walk in the Cooper Mountain Nature Park

Just Resting a Moment

Blue Skies & Clouds

They are back in bloom 8 12 2013

Can you see Johnny Appleseed?

Lay Your Moon on My Shoulder

Full moon over the Willamette Valley

December sunrise

Washington County Fair

Snow falling in the woods

View looking up from underneath the big Japanese Maple tree. #tree #japanesemaple #garden #love #oregon #portland #webstagram #red

Tillamook Baby Loaf 7 4 2012

Double Delight Rose profile 5 8 2013

Snowy pathway

Heading Home


An invitation to the forest at Cooper Mountain

Islands of Trees

215/11: MaryKate

Orchard (Explored)

The Heron Rookery

You're Turning Violet...

A View Across the Willamette Valley

Countryside View while Enjoying Pinot Noir

Willakenzie Wine Estate

A Late Departure

Casa de McKay

Spring Bliss

Crimson Tide

Family time at Fernhill Wetlands

In the Stillness of a foggy morning

July 30, 2013PendletonMEMOR-25.jpg

Around the Bend