Autumn on the March

non-party party

Drawn to the Light

Leafless but still glowing 11 26 2012

The Copper Fountains

A View Across the Willamette Valley

Home sweet home.

David Hill Winery

Torilis Arensis

Linear Autumn

Sunrise on the go

Just Resting a Moment

They are back in bloom 8 12 2013

Lay Your Moon on My Shoulder

Full moon over the Willamette Valley

December sunrise

Washington County Fair

View looking up from underneath the big Japanese Maple tree. #tree #japanesemaple #garden #love #oregon #portland #webstagram #red

Tillamook Baby Loaf 7 4 2012

Double Delight Rose profile 5 8 2013

Snowy pathway

Islands of Trees

The Heron Rookery

Autumn Crossing

A Late Departure

lone mushroom, lost film

Crimson Tide

Bleeding heart 4 16 2013


Clover Field

In the Stillness of a foggy morning

Around the Bend

July 30, 2013PendletonMEMOR-25.jpg

Late Day Field

Grapevines in the mist.

You're Turning Violet...

Dandelion Sunset

Amber Waves