Jamesport Parking Lot - Redo with texture

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, Freight House, Missouri, Trenton

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, Freight House, Missouri, Trenton

LIndsay Oram - Sunset Over the Beans

Grandpa's virtual reality

Missouri, Trenton, Baker School District 49

Missouri, Trenton, Kress; Trenton City Hall

Lindsay Oram - Soybeans Before Harvest

Lindsay Oram - Family Affair

Lindsay Oram - Cloud Over Beans

Old Caboose in Jamesport, MO

Broadway Street – Jamesport, MO

Broadway Street & W Auberry Grove – Jamesport, MO

Pirate & Mama Pirate - Trenton, Missouri

The Lemon Drop Base - Trenton, Missouri

Georganna Clark - Lonliness

Hunter Mausoleum

Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, Missouri, Trenton

T-Bird: Poppy Bare & Mama Bare on the Fig Leaf Base - Trenton, Missouri

Jeana Noel - Tranquil Beauty

Welcome home to Trenton

Chris Ropp - Just Kidding Around