cliff fog

Looking Up the South St Vrain Canyon

Boulder, CO

Watch the world go by...

Viewing the Flatirons from a cemetery

Moon Slippers

Morning Light on Indian Peaks

Bergamasco vs. Rhodesian Ridgeback

View from Mallory Cave

Vintage Architecture: Hotel Boulderado, View of Hotel on Spruce Street, Boulder, Colorado

This view in #Boulder will never cease to amaze me. #colorado

Morning Megawatts

780: Little Red Riding Hood - Tame or be Tamed

Dawn The Beginning Of The Twilight

Springtime in the Rockies

Boulder Reservoir Flatirons Reflections Boulder Colorado

774: Little Red Ridding Hood's fateful walk through the woods to deliver food to her sick grandmother...

Colorado Front Range Coot Lake Reflections

Classic Boulder

After the storm

Boulder Colorado Flatirons Country Fall View

It sure LOOKS like it should be raining

Autumn sunrise

Boulder Flatirons, Colorado

Stormy Sunset on the Indian Peaks

Autumn cascade

Gloomy morning for a #soggyrun today...... Great #longrun, though! #leadwomanwannabe2016 #ultratraining #beatyesterday #womanup2016 #embracethesuck #doepicshit #endureandenjoy #trainingforultra #runwithstrava @stravarun @swiftwicksocks @altrarunning @garm

Against all odds

Warbonnets At Legion Park

Stacks at Legion Park

embrace the light… ⛰???????? #winter #climbing #trailrunning #scrunbling #flatirons

Evening at the amphitheater on Flagstaff mountain. #whyiride

North Saint Vrain

Autumn Field

Before the storm

Sky on fire above river of gold

WInter Day

What a little moonlight can do

Topsy Turvey