Working on a Quilt

A Royal River Cruiser, formerly identified as a Twin-spotted Spiketail, Face View

Fungi View, Alma Cemetery

Oscar E. Remick Heritage Center

Deer Skull, frontal view

At a smalltown midwestern McDonald's!: Thunderclouds as dark as or darker than blacktop, full of hailstones as hard as or harder than gravel.

The Michigan Masonic Home

Busy as a Bee

Busy as a Bee

Fireman's Prayer


Jumping Spider, Side View

These COMMON BIRD'S-FOOT TREFOIL have imparted an extreme prettification to this vacant industrial land in central Michigan.

Are you looking for CARPORT APARTMENTS in Alma, Michigan?

Lunchtime walk and this view took my breath away!

One of the First to Turn

Thistles and Farm

Southbound Sunset

Toad Right-Of-Way

Autumn Maple - Michigan

Slow Down and Live

Forest Hill Natural Area Barn

Forest Hills Natural Area

Common Mullein and The Queen

Harvest Time

Female Meadowhawk

Late Afternoon

Blue Dasher Female

Wood Nymph on Monarda

Japanese Beetle on Queen Anne's Lace

Muddied Landscape

Quickly Painted Landscape

Meadow Sunset

Female Scorpionfly on Goldenrod

A Fawn in the Lawn